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  • HERDANZA (3´, 2022) - Short film

    HERDANZA (3´, 2022) - Short film

    It is an experimental documentary about a family of bakers (father and son) working at the same wheat mill for over 60 years.

  • JULIA - Official trailer (EN)

    JULIA - Official trailer (EN)

    Set against the picturesque backdrop of the Galician countryside, Bristol-based Spanish filmmaker Jacobo Lagüela’s first feature, Julia, is a personal project exploring his grandmother's life. At its heart is the desire of the protagonist to preserve and pass on the cherished ways of living from her generation to the ones that follow.

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se destaque.

Es posible que tengas un proyecto creativo para compartir con el mundo. Sea lo que sea, la manera en la que cuentes tu historia online puede marcar la diferencia.

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  • Description text goes here
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